Mummy Daycare

As a full-time working mummy my days just spent together, Lil G and I are limited and something I crave and very much miss. Don’t get me wrong I wholeheartedly love our time together as a family. However, I cherish my days ‘Just Us’. Lil G and I. Mummy and Son.


5th July 2014

And yesterday was just that. Mr H and I and Lil G of course went our separate ways quite early. Mr H was boozing with friends in Manchester and I had a day planned with friends and their babies, Lil G’s friends.

Spending the day with Lil G made me think back to when it was Just Us. I was lucky enough to take maternity leave for 8-months and took part in a number of classes on a weekly basis. It was something I had researched as a mum to be and felt quite passionate about. I wanted Lil G to be around other children and I had heard that mummy’s received tea and biscuits! I was not disappointed! We took part in a combination of private classes and local children’s centre classes including; Baby Sensory, Baby Yoga and Massage, Baby Sign, Play and Stay groups, Rhythm Time and Water Babies.

3-years in, and we still take part in a weekly Water Babies class on a Sunday morning, a little inconvenient when we have a hangover as the class is at 9am however for the most part it’s great to be ‘up and at em’ getting on with our day. Water safety is such an important life skill and only recently when we were in the Waterpark at Alton Towers did it show just how much confidence Lil G has, as he put all his skills in to practice without prompt. It was beautiful to watch.

I had looked forward to our Mummy and George day all week, and with a hop, skip and a jump it went swimmingly. In the morning we were helping a close friend at her first Baby Fair. Lil G and I had been put in charge of selling raffles tickets. We wore our best in the hope that with Lil G looking super cute and super smart, and with his pretty please practiced to perfection that we wouldn’t need to pounce on so many unsuspecting mummy’s and mum to be’s.

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You’ll be pleased to know that in the end we raised £155 for charity, a local children’s unit at the Leighton Hospital in Crewe. As well as having fun selling tickets, I took the opportunity for us to practice our counting, identifying different coins and notes as the tickets flew out of our hands. Lil G became a bit of an expert with a couple of phrases, winning the punters over with; ‘Would you like one’ and ‘Pennies please’.

Lil G made me a very proud mummy. I already knew that he had been a very good and well-mannered boy however to be told the same by so many of the exhibitors who either recognised me from twitter, had seen Lil G at the stand or wandering around selling raffle tickets with me was just the sweetest thing.

As the night-time approached us and most unlike Lil G, he was not in the mood for sleeping. I wondered how much he realised that Daddy wasn’t home. He stood at his gate shouting me, asking if he could come to sit with me. I couldn’t help myself. Usually I am very strict, Mr H is the soft touch. I can imagine the woohoo inside of Lil G as I said yes. I took advantage of our time, it may have been for my benefit! Oops. We popped on a movie ‘Tinker Bell And The Great Fairy Escape’ and lay together until he started to get sleepy, which coincided nicely with the end of the film. It’s one of my favourites too. This whole series are about letting your imagination run wild, this particular movie really encourages it. As moments like this are a rarity, I pushed the laptop and my phone to one side and soaked up every moment of lying on the sofa, snuggled under a blanket with Lil G. Heaven.

Still refusing to return to his bed (9.30pm), we set up camp in the big bed. Within minutes Lil G fell fast asleep whilst I took the opportunity to catch up on my commenting across several linky’s I had chosen to connect with this last week. God dam my eagerness! It was so lovely, and rather cute, his arms and legs wrapped around mine, breathing deeply, hopefully dreaming of our fun day together. Lil G rarely comes in to our bed, so moments like this really have to be savoured, hence me writing this post.

On the days when Lil G is tough, proving to be a challenge, testing my every ounce of patience, I will remember you. I will remember you not only because the day was filled with love and joy, also because I can often be that mummy, the one with her IPhone very close, catching up on emails, checking my social activity, capturing moments, little drops of gorgeous George heaven. That said, also missing moments as the phone is often in front of my face. I pinky promise to put the phone and laptop aside more often than I do. To watch the moments happen rather than take pictures of them.

I will leave you with one more message …







16 thoughts on “Mummy Daycare

  1. thanks for joining up to the new #mummymonday 🙂 such adorable photos and loving the blazer and cute curly hair! I also have that ‘all you need is love’ sign – although thinking about it I don’t know where it is since I moved house last summer *frantically searches the house top to bottom* – mummy bloggers team x


  2. What a gorgeous boy he is! I’m back at work soon and am cherishing the mummy and daughter time I have at the moment. Classes are great but I just love time just the two of us 🙂 x #mummymonday


    • Aww thank you, yes enjoy your time, I love my time away from things too. Nice just to be able to sit and chat. I now get this on a Monday and Friday when I work from home, I do the run to Kindergarten on both days, which is lovel. #MummyMonday


  3. How gorgeous is he?!

    My little girl is 13 weeks old and I really look forward to spending these kind of days with each other. I’m trying to find lots of local classes and groups to go to as I hate being stuck in the house all day and I think it’s all really important for both me and baby to socialise.



    • Your so right Jenna, I would definitely recommend contacting your local childrens centre. However some are closed during the summer holidays as they often work term time. Your local library may run some classes too. If you contact your local council they will advise you of local childrens centres.

      Some of my fondest memories of maternity leave are attending classes. I used to walk a mile to a local park too, take a picnic blanket, a picnic and set up camp for a few hours.

      Enjoy x


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