
This new beginning is a little while off but it is a constant for me at the minute. School begins in September. Let me rephrase that, BIG BOY School begins in September. Oh my goodness.

As the application deadline is fast approaching as is the reality that in 8 months time we will, for the first time be waving off our little boy to his first day of school. A new beginning. A new adventure. A new chapter in life as our little family. The latter sounds exciting!

I think it hit me when I collected Lil G from Kindergarten on Monday. One of his teachers (my favourite actually) pulled me to one side and advised me that over the next two weeks Lil G will be moving into the ‘preparation for school’ group. Eek. More structure, less free time to play and just another sign that he is growing up just that little bit too fast. They also presented me with this…

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Oh to be a time traveller!

He will be the youngest in the group and due to his birthday he will be the youngest in school too. He will also be one of the smallest as he really is so petite and slender. This worries me slightly. Actually a lot. Will he get left behind? Will he struggle. Is the gap too much? I think so. To think that he will be in the same class as a little one who will soon be turning 5 when he has only just turned 4 makes me feel sick. How can that be fair? They can’t be compared. But they will be.

Lil G turns 4 in June, his best friend turns 5 in November that’s 2 months after the school term starts. What? How is it that they can be in the same class? Surely not. It really is a worry.

I’m not too worried about him making friends, or settling in, my little boy is a sweetheart. He loves to chat, make friends, play and learn so surely this is a winning combination. He has been in a private nursery for 3 days a week since he was 8 months old so I am not worried about him adapting. He will be just fine. When it came to returning to Kindergarten on Monday after 17 days at home with Mr H and I he went in with a hop, skip and a jump. Full of happiness to be returning.

What I am worried about is how he will find the change in routine. The longer days. The rather structured setting. From a nursery setting where cuddles, love and play is paramount to a much cooler setting. Where (or so I’ve been told) they don’t cuddle, it’s not about love, it’s about learning! Surely it is a little bit about love? Who could resist cuddling a child when they are sad or just need to be held. I guess that is those silly rules and horrible folk who have ruined it for the genuinely nice people in the world.

Oh to be a fly on the wall!

And then there is the School Uniform. Lil G doesn’t suit the standard wide leg trouser as he really does have the thinnest of legs. The School we hope for Lil G to be joining has their own uniform. Oh how cute will he look! I am yet to find out if we are able to deviate from the ‘school shop’ when purchasing clothes. Also, as his current growth goes he will only be in Age 3 clothes when he starts School, do they offer smaller sizes? Lil G is 3.5 years now so that should give you an idea of how little he is, hence Lil G!

There is something to be said for these European cities who don’t subject their children to formal education until the age of 7. There is a great post on this school of thought ‘Too much, Too soon’ here.




The Reading Residence

22 thoughts on “Beginnings

  1. School preparation is scary and they seem to little. My middle one is due to start in September as well, and we’re struggling with the potty training still. I keep thinking there’s so much he has to learn and he’s not big enough to be at school. My eldest is in Y1 (she’s 6 in August) and it still feels far to grown up to say that she’s at school. Good luck with it all – kids are pretty adaptable so they get used to new surroundings and routines more easily than we do x

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  2. My little girl is a July baby, I completely understand your worries. They really do take in all into consideration. She started off a little behind, down to her age, but now in year 2 has caught up.
    Hoping the next 8 months go slowly for you x

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  3. When my oldest started school, he was one of the older children (it’s a March cut-off in Scotland, not September, and he is a June baby) and I didn’t really worry about him at all especially as he had been at nursery full time and he was so excited and ready for it. Here in the US, he’s one of the youngest in his class as it’s a September cut-off and that has made a huge difference and made me very glad that my younger two (March and April babies) are somewhere in the middle! He will be fine, it sounds like he has the social skills that are the most important thing at the beginning, and although it’s a huge step and a huge new beginning, it’s a really exciting one too. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt 🙂 It’s lovely to have you join in xx

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  4. Ah all this is a way off for me, though I’m already pretty taken by the whole starting school at 7 thing! I have no doubt that Lil’ G will be just fine though. The school will be totally used to helping little people make the transition, and I’m sure he’ll take it all in his stride! As for the cuddles – I was a Secondary teacher before Arthur came along and I still gave kids a hug if they needed one 🙂 x

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  5. My daughter was also the youngest and the smallest when she started out this year (she still is of course). Her birthday falls on the 26th of August, so had only turned four in about a week or so before she started “big school”. My husband and I debated about whether to wait it out another year, but I just felt she was ready and especially since her best friend and all her other friends at play school were all scheduled to go to reception class too. I didn’t want her to feel left-out. I spoke to her teacher and the head teacher and they all advised that maybe it would be best if she went half-day at first. So that’s what we did. But this didn’t last, in about two weeks, she was staying the whole day already. Of course, the first week was a struggle. There were tears, though she wasn’t the only one who cried. We’re lucky little T goes to a really lovely small school here in our village. The teachers are all lovely and even before school started, she was familiar with all of them already. The play school where she went was near “big-school” and months before school started for the little ones, they scheduled for them to join the bigger kids at proper school, slowly integrating them in. And that definitely worked! Sorry for the long comment, anyway if you have any questions, do ping them over! 🙂 #wotw.

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    • Thank you so much for commenting I really appreciate it. I have literally just got back from visiting the school with Mr H and we feel much better about it. The school is ‘just’ out of catchment but we have a very good chance of getting in. Lil G has been in nursery so I probably am worrying about nothing. The school we hope for him to go to is an infants school so only 4-7 which makes me feel more at ease as everything about it is aimed at little people x

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  6. My daughter had just turned 4 and had a whole raft of problems when she started school and I worried about her. My worries didn’t last long 🙂 The school were great with her – firm but fair – and now aged 7 she has settled into junior school as if she’s been there for years!


  7. When my daughter started school she had literally just turned 4, wasn’t potty trained, had supportive footwear and a Statement of Educational need. Now aged 7 and just gone up to Junior school she has settled in so well the difference in her is unbeliveable. She is a little dot too 🙂 Your son will most likely be fine, I know that won’t stop you worrying but he will.


  8. My Boo started school in September and though I was dreading it, she was keen and she absolutely loves it! She is an early October baby, so I didn’t worry about her being ready. What I can tell you is that it’s very much about being sociable, and as Lil G is, he’ll be fine. Boo is good friends with two little boys, twins, who are late in the year, and they are getting on and enjoying it, too. They’re also in size 2-3 clothes, so their mum told me, and she managed to find them uniform so you should be OK. There is a big gap between 4 and 5, I’d agree, but the children don’t notice it, they just want to play with their friends! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

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  9. Try not to worry about his age….My girl turned 4 and started school three days later…..She has coped brilliantly and she’s 7 now and has caught up to the kids which are a year older than her! She did struggle at first being tired but the reception class teacher would let the little one’s have a nap if they needed it….So sweet!
    I know Asda do small sizes in their uniform (3-4) but our shop sold out quickly….So get them as soon as you can 😀 x

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  10. I don’t thing you need to be worried about age at all. All kids learn differently. My eldest is one of the youngest, has a speech delay and is still top of his reception class. Reception is mainly about play based learning, so not much different than Playgroup/nursery. I was also a real worrier this time last year as well!

    Laura x x x


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  11. I haven’t had to worry about this as JJ’s birthday is 7th September so he really was ready for school. Having said that I think the Reception year is really all about playing and settling into the environment and the routine and there isn’t too much pressure on them to begin with. My friend’s little boy who is just four weeks older than JJ thrived in Reception last year but has had some issues with the transition to Year 1 and the more formal learning environment. I think schools are set up to make sure the younger ones don’t flounder too much though. From my point of view I worry that JJ isn’t advanced enough for his age (although that is probably unfounded!). EJ is a July baby so I’ll probably be thinking similar things come 2016!! X #theprompt

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  12. I’ve been through this with my daughter as well-she is one of the youngest in her year (a July baby too) and I worried. But she was fine and enjoyed Reception a lot. It’s my son’s turn this September and he’s my youngest-I’m feeling all emotional about it already so I totally understand.

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  13. It’s silly but I am already obsessing over the whole school thing and it’s Sept 16 that H will start. This sums up all the things I am worried about too. It’s such a big step isn’t it. I hope Lil G will adapt and be right up there with the older kiddies, it does seem like a big gap but it must even out eventually xx

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  14. Hi, i completely understand where you are coming from regarding school age. Oldest started school last year and she is a July baby. I so wasn’t ready to let her go and thought she was far too young but actually she was completely fine and totally ready for it and now loves school and working! I’m sure your little one will be fine too. Eeeks-they grow up so fast. Xxx

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