How young is too young for technology?

Technology like computers and tablets can be very attractive to children. Am I alone in sometimes worrying about the amount of time Lil G spends in front of a screen? For me it is just the TV screen, movies are his guilty pleasure. He hasn’t yet moved on to a tablet. I know that in the months to come (hopefully years) that will all change.

gltc review 8

There is one thing for sure, there will not be a TV finding it’s way in to Lil G’s bedroom for a long time. His bedroom is for sleeping right? When it comes to Lil G watching TV we are very selective about what he watches, with the majority being pre-school age appropriate, supporting his learning.

If we look at the world today it is clear that our children will be introduced to technology much earlier than we ever were. In schools they have so much technology around them and available for them to use. They will be using more social platforms than I have even heard of. That’s ok, he can teach me.

After all, if I now read my books on a kindle then is there really a problem with a toddler using a tablet? I have shielded Lil G from this world until now however as books are becoming antiquated in the classroom and as Lil G is fast approaching school, surely the younger he starts with technology the better?

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