Count Your Lucky Stars : March {Growing Up}

Something which I will never take for granted is my work from home days. Flexible working. For 18-months now I have been fortunate to work from home 2-days each week, which allows me to be, in my opinion a better mummy to Lil G. Why? Because on the other 3-days I commute to Manchester which means that on average I get to see my little boy for 2-hours a day. It isn’t enough. The days are longer, the days are tougher and if the trains are delayed, that only impacts on my time with Lil G.

My work from home days allow me the flexibility of walking Lil G to and from Kindergarten. Where we walk hand in hand, often talking about the day ahead, or what we have done. Precious moments. It is the time of day when Lil G is most chatty and more often than not in just the sweetest mood. It is for this moment that I thankful…


I am thankful because our mornings are not so rushed. If we want to enjoy an extra long snuggle, we can. If we want to eat our breakfast picnic stylee on the floor whilst watching Peter Rabbit we can. On my commuting days this just isn’t possible. Our morning routine is much more like a military operation. To get up, to get ready, to get out.

What happened yesterday made me stop and count my lucky stars for being present. As I was upstairs preparing Lil G’s bag for Kindergarten, I heard him shout… mummy I would like my cereal now please. Until today, he would wait for me to prepare his breakfast for him. Not yesterday. Before I could even make it into the kitchen I could hear my gorgeous little boy helping himself to his cereal. As I peaked around the door I could see that the cheeky little monkey had chosen Daddy’s coco pops. Not a recommended start to the day but do you know what it made me smile. It made me stop and think. Today was just another sign of how quickly my gorgeous boy is growing up. He is becoming more independent. And if it wasn’t for my working from home days this may never have happened. I may not have witnessed this rather cute moment. My big boy was making his own breakfast.


And now it is your turn…

What has made you stop and Count Your Lucky Stars?  Link up a new or an old post, one that expresses what you are thankful for. If this is your first time visiting this link up then do take a read of my introduction post for more details.

Do pop over to my beautiful co host Sian who blogs at Potty Mouthed Mummy to see what she is thankful for.

A few simple rules…

1. Link up a post which fits in with the theme, old or new

2. Add the Count Your Lucky Stars badge (in my sidebar)

3. Comment on your hosts and stop by any other posts which catch your eye. It really is up to you as to how many you can manage

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36 thoughts on “Count Your Lucky Stars : March {Growing Up}

  1. Aah KA what a sweetie! It’s funny you’ve written this as Freddie has been the same lately- getting the cereal from the cupboard, and even the milk out now he can actually open our fridge! They are growing up indeed 🙂 I’m hoping this might mean we can have a lie in within the next couple of years, although that’s probably wishful thinking! x PS SO lovely to see you last weekend! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello lovely, he did it again this morning and I thought the exact same things, does this mean I get to enjoy a cuppa in my bed! Yay. And then he reminded me that he can’t yet switch the TV on! Dam. Lovely to meet you last week too honey x


  2. Pingback: New Friends, Feeling Loved & Big Skirts #LittleLoves | life as our little family

  3. It’s so lovely to have that time with him in the morning when you are relaxed and the walk the school is always my favourtie time of the day with Lucas. Love that he went for the Coco Pops, an obvious choice! xx #CountLuckyStars

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Heh I have just found your lovely link up. And what a great linky it is. I love thinking about everything I have, reminding myself how truly grateful
    I am. And when I get to read other mums posts about how lucky they feel it confirms every beautiful moment I experience in my journey into motherhood. Thank you for hosting. Tanita x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aaah, I’m so with you on this! My boys started nursery for two long mornings a week and already they’re doing things I’ve not taught them! They grow SO fast it makes my head spin!! Love the idea for this linky! I’m constantly counting my lucky stars — I so very nearly wasn’t a mummy — the fact that I’ve been blessed with TWO beautiful boys makes me more grateful than I could possibly ever say x #CountYourLuckyStars

    Caro |

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh this is lovely. I am a SAHM at the moment and I am grateful every day for all the little things I get to experience and witness with Elsa. Just something small like discovering a new word or trying something new can be so special.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. When I read about your flexible working, I am so hopeful that my company is beginning to offer it soon – it looks that way. Just to be able to be around a bit more instead of commuting on the train. I love the story about Lil G and the cereal…these are moments to cherish #CountLuckyStars

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  8. Aww how cute, and coco pops are a good choice for a treat day hehe =)
    I love being able to spend time with Boo, when I was working I found the days too long and felt that those two days a week I worked I didn’t get to see her at all, so I am grateful I am now able to stay at home with Boo.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Aww, bless him! Such a cutie. I think you’ve struck the perfect balance between work and home K-A. It’s a tricky thing to master but Lil G seems to be thriving in your little routine! 🙂 Such a lovely linky idea, huge congrats on it! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Awww, such a little cutie. Two days a week my mother in law looks after O at our house and for those mornings we don’t have to rush because he doesn’t need to be dressed before I leave and we don’t have to factor in time for a drop off so we have time for an extra snuggle in bed, my favourite time of the day!
    Thank you for hosting lovely xxx

    Liked by 1 person

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